One who subscribed to the doctrine of Nehor was a man named Amlici. He acquired many converts and they, who were called Amlicites, were violent in the persecution of the Church of God.
Under the reign of the judges, laws were established and enforced by the voice of the people (2: 3) Like Lucifer desired in the pre-existence, Amlici sought to talke away the God-given agency of the people, for it was his intent to destroy the church of God. (2: 4) The Amlicites did indulge themselves in sorceries, and in idolatry or idleness, and in babblling, and in enveying and strife;. . . lifted up in pride . . . persecuting, lying, thieving, robbing, committing whoedomes, and murdering, and all manner of wickedness. (2: 32)
Amlici was proud and ambitious he wanted to be king and destroy the system of judges in the land. When Alma brought it before the people for a vote, the majority of the people voted against Amlici. The followers of Amlici appointed him king over their own people. He encourage his people to take up arms against their brothers.
The Nephites got wind of the plot and under the directions of Alma, began to arm themselves for defense in a conflict they knew was coming. The Amlicites moved forward and began to attack the Nephites near the Hill Amnimu just east of the River Sidon. The Nephites prevailed in battle, but lost many men in the struggle. The Nephites camped in the Valley of Gideon. Alma (who was serving with his people) sent out spies to see what the Amlicites were doing. The spies came back in fear because the the Amlicites had joined forces with a large band of Lamanites they found in the area.
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Battle at the Sidon River by James Fullmer |
The Nephites left their camp in the valley and prepared to return to Zarahemla. As they were crossing the River Sidon, the enemy attacked. During the conflict, Alma found himself in hand-to-hand combat with Amlici himself. He prayer that the Lord might deliver him so that he could continue to lead God's people. God delivered Amlici into Alma's hands and Alma slew him.
This was just the beginning of wars and conflicts between the Nephites and their enemies. Like a pebble in the stream sends out a ripple that soon covers the surface of the water, the evil machinations of one wicked many, Nehor influenced other wicked men, including Amlici, and destroyed the peace. Tens of thousands were killed in the first year alone, including many women and children. Alma wrote that every man receiveth wages of him who he listeth* to obey. As Paul later wrote to the Romans, The wages of sin is death. (Romans 6 23)

Satan's war on agency that began in the Heavenly Council continues on earth today. The system of Judges among the Nephites was designed to allow the voice of the people to choose. It provided both agency and accountability. Kings seemed the lazy way out to many people. The king will tell you what to do so you don't have to do the work of choosing for yourself and accepting the consequences of your choices.
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I'm including 2 links to Book of Mormon Central Know Whys that related to these Chapters in Alma. They give much food for thought as to why our fight for freedom, agency, and accountability are so vital today.Judges Instead of Kings
Warfare in the Book of Mormon
Was Amlici a Mulekite who traced his lineage through Zarahemla back to the line of kings from Zedekiah via Mulek. Author: John B. Welch
Who was Amlici and why would he be able to persuasively convince a large number of people that he should be king? In Hebrew, the written language does not have vowels. Therefore, (m-l-k), (m-li-ki) and (ma-lik) are based on the same root word in Hebrew, meaning “king.” Mu-lek may also have the same meaning of “king.” This leads to the linguistic possibility that “Mulekites” were “king-ites” and were among the “king men.”
Similarly, by removing the vowels in the word “Amlici,” we are left with (m-l-c) or “king.” Was Amlici a Mulekite? He certainly was a king-ite by ideology and his name reflects his desire and political platform. If Amlici was a Mulekite, he may well have been a descendant of King Zarahemla with a legitimate claim to be king because of his lineage. This may be why Amlici was able to convince many people that he had the right to be king and that he should be king.
Quote from
© May 2020 Dr. Kathleen Rawlings
Buntin Danielson
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