Saturday, October 2, 2021

Daily Devotional, Day 2: Jesus Christ is the Creator

All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. (John 1:3)


Jesus Christ is the Creator

In Genesis we read: In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth. (Genesis 1: 1)

Continuing in Genesis, God described His work of six creative periods. In each case, He said:

1.     Let there be light and there was light

2.    Let there be a firmament in the midst of heaven

3.    Let there be a sun in the day and a moon and stars at night

4.    Let the dry land appear and let there be                                                            vegetation upon it

5.    Let there be fish in the sea and fowl in the air

6.    Let there be all manner of animals upon the land

In His final creation of the sixth period, God created mankind in His image, male and female.  He commanded the plants, animals, and people to multiply after their own kind.


God said. By the power of the Word of God was everything created. Is it any wonder that when Jesus said, Peace, be still (Mark 4: 39) the storm ceased and there was a great calm? The elements were listening to the voice of their creator.


When the tempests rage in our lives, we can appeal to Jesus Christ for peace.  Sometimes He calms the storm.  Sometimes, He calms me so that I can withstand the storm. Sometimes, He allows me to swim to develop my strength, all the while knowing He will not let me drown!  How can you call on Jesus Christ as your Creator for peace?

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