One of the most iconic and challenging forms is the Chiasmus or, more properly, the Chiastic form of Parallelism. It is referred to by the Greek letter chi which is represented by an X. In this form the thoughts are organized in such a way that they resemble an X. First thought is represented in reverse order. At its finest, this is a very complex form of poetry. A simple example might be the old English nursery rhyme:
An outline of this poem might look like this
A prime: Old King Cole
B prime: was a merry old soul
B reverse: and a merry old soul
A reverse was he
A prime (first thought)
B prime (second thought)
C (central or most important thought)
B reverse (first thought in reverse order)
A reverse (second thought in reverse order)
One of the examples of chiasmus is found in Mosiah 1, as King Benjamin is instructing his son, Mosiah. The following verses (11-13)are central to the entire chapter. I am trying to present them in their chiastic order:
A) And moreover, I shall give this people a name
B) that thereby they may be distinguished above all the people which the Lord God hath brought out of Jerusalem
C) And this I do because they have been a diligent people in keeping the commandments of the Lord.
D) And I give unto them a name [Jesus Christ/Christian]that never shall be blotted out, except it be through transgression.
C) Yes, and moreover I say unto you, that if this highly favored people of the Lord
B) should fall into transgression, and become a wicked and an adulterous people,
A) that the Lord will deliver them up, and therefore become weak like unto their brethren [the Lamanites who were not called by the name of Christ/Christian.]
King Benjamin tells his son that he plans on giving his people and name that will differentiate them from their Lamanite brethren. He can do so because the Nephites have kept the commandment.
The name he will give them is that of Jesus Christ - Christian Believers. It will only be blotted out if they fall into transgression.
They have been a highly favored people because they have kept the commandment, but if they begin to sin like the Lamanites, then they will no longer qualify for God's name or His protection. If we carried a step further, their names would be blotted out on the records of the Church (which we see happen in the times of Mosiah and Alma.)
What is the most important idea? Jesus Christ. The Book of Mormon is another testimony of Jesus Christ. He was the central focus of the Nephite people. When He ceased to be, and they became more wicked than the Lamanites, they were blotted out in about 400 A.D. Look for Christ throughout your study this year. I promise, you will find Him. Look for Him in your life, even it trying times like this, and I promise, you will find Him.
© Dr. Kathleen Rawlings Buntin Danielson April 2020
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