Flashback: The people of King Limhi were in serious trouble. They were descendants of a group of Nephites who left Zarahemla 3 generations. Their leader, a man named Zeniff, was so over-zealous to possess the lands of Nephi that he accepted an offer of land from the King of the Lamanites who, unbeknownst to Zeniff, only wanted to have these Nephites close so that he could enslave them. Remember, the Nephites were an industrious people. The more indolent Lamanites could reap the benefits of Nephite labor without doing the hard work themselves.
By the time Zeniff's grandson, Limhi, was the king, the Lamanites were taxing them by taking 50% of all their grain, fruits, and flocks. And now, is this not grievous to be borne? And is not this, our affliction great? Now behold, how great reason we have to mourn.(Mosiah 7: 23)
Limhi's father, Noah, had been a wicked man and a wicked and corrupt king. He had led his people into wickedness and apostasy, culminating in the death of a prophet of God. When that level of wickedness occurs, the Lord lifts His hands of protection and the people are left to suffer the natural consequences.
Limhi knew that their situation in his day was the direct result of the sins of the previous generation. His people were humbled and pleading with the Lord. Limhi knew that the Lord will not succor my people in the day of their transgression, but I will hedge up their ways that they prosper not; and their doings shall be as a stumbling block before them . . . if my people shall sow filthiness they shall reap the chaff in the whirlwind; and the effect thereof is poison. . . . [and] they shall reap the east wind, which bringeth immediate destruction. (Mosiah 7: 29-30) The promise of the Lord [was] fulfilled, and [the people were] smitten and afflicted

The people had all but given up hope. Their circumstances had humbled them (as circumstances often do) and they were turning again to the Lord. The answer to their prayers arrived in the form of a small contingency of Nephites who had left Zarahemla to look for them. Their leader, a man named Ammon, was a descendant of Zarahemla and was, therefore, a Mulekites of the House of Judah. When Limhi came to know who Ammon was, his heart rejoiced for he knew their prayers had been heard and deliverance was near.

The King sent out a proclamation to his people that they gather at the temple the following day to hear what he had to say. When the people were all gathered, Limhi spoke: O ye, my people, lift up your head and be comforted; for behold, the time is at hand, or is not far distant, when we shall no longer be in subjection to our enemies, notwithstanding our many struggling, which we have made in vain; yet I trust their remaineth n effectual struggle to be made. Therefore, lift up your heads and rejoice, and put your trust in God. (Mosiah 7: 18-19)
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Today in our nation and the world, we are also in serious trouble. Since the end of World War II, we have systematically thrust God behind us. "God is dead" we proclaimed in the 60's. "If it feels good, do it!" we shouted in defiance. "Let's slaughter our unborn right up until the day they are due to be born and call it a woman's health issue." God forbid someone use the word infanticide; that is politically incorrect. For goodness sake, let's not offend anyone; but we can offend God, because He is dead! "America is no longer a Christian nation," proclaimed our closet Muslim president. It is not okay to discriminate against anyone except Christians and political conservatives. Let's make them demons in our media and pour out vitriol and hatred upon their heads. Let's legally persecute a Christian baker because he won't make a wedding cake for two men. Let's encourage same gender marriage by making it legal and turn a blind eye when people use that legality as a political tool to seek converts to our lasciviousness among the children.
The bricks are fallen down |
We have sown filthiness. Why are we surprised when we are reaping the whirlwind? God has warned us over and over again since 1945. We ignored the lessons of 9-11 and shouted in defiance: "The enemy has broken down our walls but we will rebuild because we are, of ourselves, strong and mighty." The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones; the sycamores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars said Isaiah. We are too blind and proud to hearken.
Apparently, it has taken a little virus, too small to see, to bring our nation and the world to its knees. Still, the defiant seek to blame the president who approached this crisis with - gasp! Prayer! - as a solution. A few weeks ago, the world, at the request of the Lord's prophet, participated in a day of fasting and prayer. Thousands of people from every nation, kindred, tongue, and people arose to the challenge. The Facebook page for the worldwide fast has gone viral as people bear testimony of the blessings of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Thousands have once had the truth, have left it, and are now coming back to it in the face of this pandemic.
Pray for our Prophet and Apostles.
Pray for our President, Vice President and our national, state, and local leaders who are trying their best to deal with a crisis the likes of which have no parallel in recent history. Pray for those on the front lines, for those suffering, and for their families. Especially, pray for guidance as we approach these upcoming elections. Don't look at party labels or even individual personalities. Look at the philosophies each candidate endorses and examplifies by his or her words and behaviors. Line up their objectives alongside Satan's goals for the human race since the beginning and compare that to Jesus' and the Father's plan for the children of men. The line in the sand is becoming clearer every day. Do the best you can and leave the rest to God. Then lift up your heads and be comforted. We are in His hands and He loves us.
© Dr. Kathleen Rawlings Buntin Danielson, April 2020