Friday, September 11, 2020


If someone wanted to view a template of what to expect just prior to Jesus' Second Coming, he could find no better source than 3 Nephi in the Book of Mormon.  The events leading up to His first coming among the Nephites have such parallels to what is happening today, that it is almost chilling to read them.

Here are some of the similarities I've noticed:

Political Assassinations - the chief judge is murdered by his own brother.  I believe we still have politically motivated killings - even since Kennedy, King, and Kennedy and today, they are just kept hidden by our 21st Century secret combinations.  We also have the assassination of character of good men at the hands of those who disagree.  It is hard to believe that hatred of one man would lead an entire party of Americans to this. I won't name names, but then, if you are awake to the danger, I don't need to.  You already know them.

Gadiantons in High Places - There is an old saying that the fox is in charge of the henhouse today. That was true then and it is true now.   Back in 1944, Apostle John A. Widsoe stated his feelings that these people are loose among us today and running our government. They are truly destroying what we cherish, our homes and families, our faith and religion, our freedom and inalienable rights. We need a Captain Moroni.

Slippery Riches

"Slippery" Riches - Just before Christ came and again, 200 hundred years after He came, the Nephites were do wicked that dishonesty ran rampant.  A man could not set down his sword or he would find it gone the next time he looked. Not only to we have vandalism, destruction, outright thievery today, we have people bent on trashing out economy for political purposes.  For all of the small businesses destroyed by rioters, how many were destroyed by the economic shutdown?  How many lost money on stocks or bonds? How many lost everything they own through identity theft? How many people have lost their jobs, which were the source of their income?  'Nuff said.

Pride, Arrogance, Wealth, and Wanton Wickedness - Nephi expressed his sorrow and disappointment that it seems as if, as soon as the Nephites were blessed by God, they do harden their hearts, and do forget the Lord their God, and do trample under their feet the Holy One . . . Yea, how quick to be lifted up in pride; yea, how quick to boast, and do all manner of iniquity; (Helaman 12: 2, 5)

There are so many examples of this, I haven't the time or energy to count them, much less name them.  I'd simply note that if you want to see the value of our nation, watch celebrities on the Red Carpet wearing clothing and jewels that would feed a third world nation, those same celebrities who then lecture us on the inequality of wealth and give counsel designed to lead us into socialism.  Again, 'nuff said.

I used to think "how could they fall so fast when they knew so much and had been blessed so abundantly?  I don't ask that anymore.  I see it every day in the media as truth is called lies and lies are called truth, when a man is made an offender for a word, when things that would not have even been questioned a generation ago are not accepted to the point that it is ludicrous in my mind.  What is gender? Can you choose your gender? If you are a male who identifies as a female, can you participate in women's sports? What is marriage? What is a family? What is sex, other than another "fun", gymnastic event.

In the words of Joshua, "I know not what others may do but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." I hope it will somehow be enough.

The Speed of the Nephite Fall

The Gadiantons mocked the Savior and His sacrifice by wearing lambskin and painting themselves with blood.  Did they know what they were doing?  I personally think so because they knew the Law of Moses re: blood sacrifice, even if they weren't living it.

Gadiantons Mock Christ by Wearing Lambskins Dipped in Blood

© Kathleen Rawlings Buntin Danielson September 2020

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