Saturday, August 8, 2020


I have grown to love Alma the Younger during these past months. He went from being a sinner and seeking to destroy the Church - to a penitent young man, a missionary, a wise prophet and loving father.

Alma is a Book of Mormon hero worthy of emulation. One thing I have noted throughout the Book is the importance of the final words of a prophet.  Lehi left his final words for his sons and grandchildren. Benjamin gave his final words from a tower when he handed over the governing of the Nephites to his son, Mosiah. Alma also gave his final counsel to his son, Helaman, who would become the leader of the Church in his stead.  What he said resonates with me today.

It was the 19th year of the reign of the judges when he called his son Helaman to come to him.  He began by asking questions:

  • Believest thou the words which I spake unto you concerning those records which have been kept?
  • Believest thou in Jesus Christ, who shall come?
To each question, Helaman answered in the affirmative.  He told his Alma that he believed everything which his father had taught him. (Alma 45: 2-5) Then the questions became even more personal as he sought a commitment from his son.
  • Will you keep my commandments?
Of course Helaman understood as do we that Alma was speaking of the commandments he taught which were had from the Lord, Jesus  Christ.  Alma wanted his son to pattern his life after that of the Savior who was to come. (Alma 45: 6-7) 

Alma promised Helaman that if he continued on this path, the Lord will bless him to prosper in the land.  We often think that prosper means financial prosperity.  It can include that, but it is much more.  It includes all of the intangibles such as testimony, family, love, and all of the fruits of the gospel.

The final days of the Nephite nation
Then came the most sobering part of the interview.  Alma told his son that he had seen the future of the Nephites and it wasn't a pretty picture.  He wanted Helaman to understand, but not to share, the prophecy at that time.  To have done so would have been to dishearten the Nephites at a crucial time in their history.  Thankfully, Helaman was later able to share the story for our benefit.  Mormon chose to include it because he lived 400 years after the coming of Christ to America and he saw the tragic fulfillment of this prophecy.
  • The Nephites would dwindle in unbelief.  They would lose their faith.
  • As a result, the Lord's protecting hand would be withdrawn and the people would experience war, pestilence, famine and bloodshed until the Nephites as a people would become extinct. (Alma 45:11)
  • Those who lived would choose to become Lamanites. (Alma 45:14) In reading Mormon's account of this time, it would not be a great leap since the Nephites had become even more wicked than the Lamanites. The day of grace had passed with them. (Mormon 2:15)
  • When they lost their faith, the fell into the works of darkness, and lasciviousness, and all manner of iniquitities. (Alma 45: 12)
  • Thus saith the Lord God - Cursed shall be the land, yea, this land, unto every nation, kindred, tongue and people, unto destruction which do wickedly, when they are fully ripe . . . it will be a cursing . . . upon the land, for the Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance. (Alma 45:16)
~ ~ ~
How close are we to sharing their fate? It is a challenge to stay positive in the face of the wickedness that surrounds us.  We are in the last days and are experiencing wars and rumors of wars (spreading fear and terror) and pestilence (such as COVID).  We hear of earthquakes and starvation, plagues of locust in Africa, horrible fires in America, including natural fires in forests and man-set fires in cities. There are super hurricanes, earthquakes in diverse places, tidal waves, even atomic accidents.  Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear cannot in any degree doubt that these are the tribulations of the last days.

I personally take comfort in knowing the I am in the hands of the Lord and the world is in the hands of living prophets.  One of the most optimist prophets of recent days was President Gordon B. Hinkley. He admonished us not to be gloomy.  Not to be drawn into the trauma drama of the world. He gave us a simple formula to leave Babylon and stay firm the gospel. (See poster below)

Remember who you are and what you stand for.

© Kathleen Rawlings Buntin Danielson August 2020

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