I have still been studying my scriptures, even though I don't post.
Some of the things I've missed posting include Korihor's satanic philosophy in comparison to Alma's Christ centered message. I noted that Korihor's core value statement was "there will be no Christ." Once Christ is gone, everything else falls like dominos. There is no atonement because there is no sin. Hope is a foolish notion.
Korihor was antichrist. John tells us an antichrist is anyone who denies Christ. There were many fighting the Church even in his day.
As I study these chapters, I am always reminded of the antichrist philosophies in our world today. To me, they seem insane, as do the people who promulgate them. The attack our sanity, as did Korihor, but refuse to look in the mirror at themselves when they mount vitriolic hatred driven abuse on our current sitting President.
I remember our former president whose inaugural address when he brazenly said, "America is no longer a Christian nation." He later said that what he meant was that we are also a Jewish nation and an Islamic nation, etc. I don't that is what he meant because that is not what he said. In that one statement, he identified himself as antichrist. The damage he did to our nation is unmeasurable!
I wish everyone in America would read the Book of Mormon as a cautionary tale if nothing else. If we do not learn from the past, we are doomed to repeat it. And we are!
© Dr. Kathleen Rawlings Buntin Danielson July 2020
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