Mists of darkness covered known landmarks and people wandered lost. These mists represent the temptations Satan puts before us. Thing are no longer clearly black and white; evil and good; they are varying shades of grey. Without the light of the Spirit, even the best of us would get confused.
A river of filthy water ran along the path. People got too close to the edge of the cliffs leading down to the river and ultimately fell in and were swept away. I don't picture this as a stagnant pool despite its filth, but a out-of-control roaring torrent with raging rapids and waterfalls that thunder until none can hear. Once people fall into the river, it is difficult to get out again.*
But of all of the symbols of wickedness, none is worse than the great and spacious building. To me, the natural phenomena are things in which people can get caught up, and before they realize it, they are in mortal danger. I think of the many addictive substances and behaviors that destroy lives and families. In the beginning, these things may seem, if not innocent, then at least manageable. It is frightening to me how subtle the path is from simple attitudes, to behaviors, to habits, to addiction. It is not impossible to return to the straight and narrow path from these types of sins, but it is only possible through humbling oneself and relying on the infinite atonement of Jesus Christ.
The great and spacious building, on the other hand, is built on pride, arrogance, selfishness, and greed. They are caught up in the materials things of this world. It is more difficult to return to the path because people caught up in the sin of pride come to believe that they right. They have minds and hearts like dried-out Play Dough. It is almost impossible for the Great Potter of the Universe to mold the hardened clay. These people not only believe in the infallibility of their point of view, but they mock and persecute those who believe differently, especially those who are trying to stay on the path. Once people fall into this category, they seem to lose all sense of reason and rationality. It is difficult, indeed, to deal rationally with an irrational person. As I look at the things going on in our nation politically, I am stunned and think, "Do they ever listen to themselves? Could they really believe something so off base is true?" I keep waiting for someone to say: "The Emperor is naked!"
Laman and Lemuel were model citizens of the building that was, as it were, the world. They constantly complained. They didn't heed wise counsel. They perseverated in their hatred of their brother and his closeness to the Lord. They believed that Jerusalem really wasn't destroyed and that they left all of the riches and fine things of the world for no good reason. People in this building don't want to help make things better: they just seek to create problems to complain about and then point a finger and say "He is to blame."
Avoid the darkness, the river, and lost paths. Don't allow yourself to become "loosey-goosey" about holding onto the iron rod, lest you slip and fall.
But stay completely clear of the great and spacious building! Pride is the father of all other sins. (C. S Lewis)
* In Nephi's vision, he learns that the River of Filthy Water represents the depths of hell. I have known and loved two addicts in my life. I have seen them struggle in that hell. Neither of them loved his addiction; both hated it and what it had led them to become. The River is dangerous. It is easier to prevent falling in the repent of falling in.
©January 2020, Dr. Kathleen Rawlings Buntin Danielson
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