Sunday, September 8, 2019

Learn from the Past to Prepare for the Future

I received a phone call from my brother recently that has given me pause to think.  We were talking about my latest book, Words of God: 10 Crucial Bible Themes Supported by the Book of Mormon. He said he hadn't read the entire book but he had dipped into it as reference material.  He told me that it was so deeply doctrinal that it was a difficult read. He said that it is a stretch for average people to comprehend it by a casual reading. He told me that I write like James A. Talmadge. Anyone who has read Jesus the Christ will know what a compliment that is, although I'm not sure I agree with him.

It made me realize that while I know where I am going with my blog, I don't always convey it to my readers. As I reread my blog I realized that - unlike Brother Talmadge, who is very well organized - I tend to wander.  The reader may like a given post, s/he may have trouble connecting the dots so to speak.  Where in the world is she going with this.

Mea Culpa. Here's an outline from my head to paper.  I hope it helps clarify my rambling words:

1. The reason I chose this topic and title is because I am very concerned with the direction in which  my country is going. Lessons from history show that if we continue with this liberal agenda, we will lose the protection of God's blessings in America. The steps to destruction as described in the scriptures are being played out in the evening news.

2. Both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln believed that America has a covenant with God as outlined in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.  Both approached the wars of this country recognizing the need of the nation to repent of the things Americans were doing that broke the covenant, the prominent ones being human bondage, oppression, immorality, pride, power seeking, and greed.

3. We in America today are breaking the covenants we made with God when this nation was founded.  We have had His wall of protection thus far because there are so many people in the country who do keep the Covenant. I am very concerned for the country my grandchildren will inherit if America continues with her immoral and even amoral behavior.

4. I am retelling the ancient scriptural and historical accounts to exemplify the results of those who fall from grace as covenant breakers, in the hopes that my readers might glean the lessons of history. A wise person once said that if we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. I am doing so in hopes that my readers might liken the scriptures to themselves and take the necessary steps to avoid being a part of the problem as ancient peoples did.  We need to maintain the covenant keepers of America so that they recognize the signs of apostasy and expose the enemies of God.

Point of clarification:  There are many individual covenants in the history of mankind, but they all had the basic innate message of the covenant:

I will be your God and you will be my people.

When I talk about keeping covenants made with God, I refer to all of them in the context of the above quote.  If we become His people through covenant, we are asked only to love Him and keep His commandments.  In return we are promised prosperity, posterity, and protection.

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