Why did the Lord withdraw His covenant protection from Israel? I believe it is because they broke the covenant repeatedly, each time getting more wicked. I want to draw comparison to our day. When I speak of modern signs of apostasy, I don't mean to imply that we are all guilty; our society as a whole, however, is guilty of every one of them. Here are a few examples of their withdrawal from the Lord, using some of the Ten Commandments as a template:
1.Israel chose other gods. As early as the reign of judges, before there were kings in Israel, the Lord accused the backsliding people of this sin. In the second chapter of the Book of Judges, Jehovah confronted His people:
17 - yet they would not hearken unto their judges, but they went a whoring after other gods, and bowed themselves unto them
Are there those in our nation that go a whoring after other gods? One look at the media will show that there are and they are quite vocal. Some feel that there are some power in the universe greater than they, but they simply don't care if there is a god. Others openly deny the very existence of a Supreme Being. Even those who do express a belief in God have remade Him into their own image instead of the other way around. Still others are caught up in the occult with taro cards and Ouija boards and astrology.
We cannot control others but we can live our lives in such a way that we stand as witnesses of Jesus Christ in all places, at all times, and to all people.
2. Israel made statues representing heathen gods and worshipped them. As early as the days of Moses, God warned His people about the fruits of idolatry: destruction. This quote is from Deuteronomy chapter 8:
19 - And if it shall be, if thou do at all forget the Lord they God and walk after other gods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish.
Israel did eventually perish as a people. They had exchanged their covenants with God for a life centered on the things and peoples of the world. Paul used this apostasy to teach the Romans.
Idolatry exists in many forms. Idolatry was at the root of all of Israel's sins. What "idols" do we worship? If we don't choose Christ first, it won't matter in the end what we have chosen instead.
I've spent the last two hours talking about one of the key reasons why God eventually removed His walls of protection from Israel and allowed her to be conquered by an even more evil kingdom: Assyria.
The question may be not why He did it but why He took so long to do it. I've struggled with that a lot. I have finally concluded that it may be for the same reason that God told Abraham that He would not destroy Sodom if Abraham could find righteous men in the city.
Abraham pleaded with God for Sodom. Beginning in Chapter 18 of Genesis, verses 23-33. Abraham asked God if he would destroy the righteous with the wicked? God told him He would spare Sodom if there were 50 righteous people left in Sodom. Of course there were not. The Abraham asked God to spare Sodom if there were 45 righteous people, then 40, and then 30. He finally asked God to spare Sodom for 10 righteous people. Eventually, Abraham realizes that there are none righteous in Sodom save his nephew, Lot. Angels warned Lot to flee into the mountain and God destroyed Sodom.
God was patient with Israel as well, while there were righteous people living there. As the righteous either fled from Israel to Judah or began to follow the crowd into sin, there were fewer righteous in the kingdom. Eventually, here were more wicked than righteous in the Kingdom of Israel. Eventually, Israel was destroyed.
I personally believe that God has protected the United States for the sake of the righteous who live here, Christians and non-Christians alike. It is my calling to live in such a way that I come down on the side of the righteous and, through example and testimony, invite others to do the same.
We have had multiple warnings in the form of storms, destruction, and economic insecurity. The time is growing short.
©Kathleen Rawlings Buntin Danielson, 2019