Someone posted: "I wonder which chapter of the Book of Revelation we're going to be living today?" Signs of the times? - We're here! In light of this, I especially loved Conference. I noticed several themes. One of those comforting themes was that the current state of affairs that seems so meaningless and chaotic is neither. It is all part of God's plan. He is moving forward with the gathering of Israel preparatory for His second coming.

I contrast this spirit to the spirit of fear so pervasive all around us. Even the great Christian gathering in Washington, D.C. the weekend before had an atmosphere of fear and high tension. While I agree with the message that America is living out Israel's fate and is in danger of the judgment without sincere repentance everywhere, I also don't expect to see that repentance. Those who need it most are those who, like the Pharisees, think they need it least. They have made secularism their new religion and causes their new gods. The irony this has created is mindboggling. Go green and stop global warning, but, by-the-way, it's okay to kill unborn (and even newly born) infants. Save the whales and kill the babies. Those who think this way are not the ones listening to the call to repentance!

General Conference was uplifting in that it underscored that God is in charge and this is His plan which we see unfolding. While we will not be spared tribulation, God will uphold us in tribulation. One of my favorite quotes was when Elder Uchtdorf said: "There are still a lot of unknowns about this virus. But if there is one thing I do know, it is that this virus did not catch Heavenly Father by surprise. He did not have to muster additional battalions of angels, call emergency meetings, or divert resources from the world-creation division to handle an unexpected need . . .. though this pandemic is not what we wanted or expected, God has prepared His children and His Church for this time."
I have a testimony that this is true. When the Church introduced home-based gospel study, complete with a curriculum and other resources in 2019, many of us wondered why. Wasn't the current model working? But after a year of using it, we were prepared when the world shut down and sheltered at home, beginning in March. Our family slipped into have Sacrament meeting at home like a hot knife slips into soft butter. Did the Lord prepare us for this time? He certainly did.
Elder Uchtdorf went on to say "We will endure this, yes. But we will do more than simply grit our teeth, hold on, and wait for things to return to the old normal. We will move forward . . .."
President Nelson talked about living the "new normal" and advised us "not to spin our wheels in memories of yesterday. The gathering of Israel moves forward. The Lord Jesus Christ directs the affairs of His Church and it will achieve its divine objectives"
He cautioned that "the only way to survive spiritually is to be determined to let God prevail in our lives, to learn to hear His voice and to use our energy to help gather Israel."
"Our ultimate security comes as we yoke ourselves to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ? Life without God is a life filled with fear. Life with God is a life filled with peace."
May your life be filled with Shalom.
© Kathleen Rawlings Buntin Danielson October 2020